Fort Stevens Day Observances
July 13th 2024
The National Park Service and the Alliance to Preserve the Civil War Defenses of Washington will be celebrating the 160th Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Stevens on the grounds of this historic Civil War Fort, located at 13th St. and Elizabeth P. Thomas Way in northwest D.C. Visit www.nps.gov/cwdw for updated information.
The mission of the Military Road School Preservation Trust is to ensure that the Military Road School, together with its site and legacy, as well as related archeological resources, be preserved in perpetuity for the interpretation of local history, including that of Fort Stevens, the evolution of the educational system for African-Americans in Washington, and the history of the surrounding area.
Lincoln-Thomas Day
September 21st 2024
The Military Road School building...
has survived the urban development which continues to alter much of the city's original flavor. On July 23, 1998, the school was designated a historic landmark in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites by the Historic Preservation Review Office of Washington, D.C., and on July 25, 2003, it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior-National Park Service.

Military Road School Donnessa Lucas Memorial Scholarship Fund
One of the ways MRSPT continues to honor the standard of educational excellence for which the Military Road School was known is through scholarships awarded each year to local students who are attending an accredited college or university in pursuit of a degree.